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Jin M, Lee J, Tsagarakis NG.  2017.  Model-free Robust Adaptive Control of Humanoid Robots with Flexible Joints. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics.
La Scaleia V, Ivanenko Y., Fabiano A., Sylos-Labini F., Cappellini G., Picone S., Paolillo P., Di Paolo A., Lacquaniti F..  2018.  Early manifestation of arm–leg coordination during stepping on a surface in human neonates. Experimental Brain Research. 236:1105–1115.
Lacquaniti F, Ivanenko YP, Labini FSylos, La Scaleia V, La Scaleia B, Willems PA, Zago M.  2017.  Human locomotion in hypogravity: from basic research to clinical applications. Frontiers in Physiology. 8:893.
Lacquaniti F, Ivanenko YP, Zago M.  2016.  Are we ready to move beyond the reductionist approach of classical synergy control?: Comment on" Hand synergies: Integration of robotics and neuroscience for understanding the control of biological and artificial hands" by Marco Santello et al. Physics of Life Reviews. 17:38.
Lanini J, Razavi H, Urain J, Ijspeert A.  2018.  Human Intention Detection as a Multiclass Classification Problem: Application in Physical Human–Robot Interaction While Walking. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. 3:4171–4178.
Lanini J, Duburcq A, Razavi H, Le Goff CG, Ijspeert AJan.  2017.  Interactive locomotion: Investigation and modeling of physically-paired humans while walking. PLOS ONE. 12:1–25.
Lederer S, Dijkstra TMH, Heskes T.  2018.  Additive Dose Response Models: Explicit Formulation and the Loewe Additivity Consistency Condition. Frontiers in Pharmacology. 9
Lee J, Dallali H, Jin M, Caldwell D, Tsagarakis N.  2016.  Robust and adaptive whole-body controller for humanoids with multiple tasks under uncertain disturbances. Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2016 IEEE International Conference on. :5683––5689.
Li B, Virtanen JP, Oeltermann A, Schwarz C, Giese MA, Ziemann U, Benali A.  2017.  Lifting the veil on the dynamics of neuronal activities evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation. eLife. 6
Li Y., Carboni G., Gonzalez F., Campolo D., Burdet E..  2019.  Differential game theory for versatile physical human–robot interaction. Nature Machine Intelligence. 1:36–43.
Li Y, Ganesh G, Jarrasse N, Haddadin S, Albu-Schaeffer A, Burdet E.  2018.  Force, Impedance, and Trajectory Learning for Contact Tooling and Haptic Identification. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 34:1170–1182.
Li Y, Jarrasse N, Burdet E.  2017.  Versatile interaction control and haptic identification in humans and robots. Geometric and Numerical Foundations of Movements. 117:187–206.
Lin H-C, Smith J, Babarahmati KKouhkiloui, Dehio N, Mistry M.  2018.  A Projected Inverse Dynamics Approach for Multi-arm Cartesian Impedance Control. IEEE/RSJ Int. Conf. on Robotics and Automation.
Ludolph N, Ernst TM, Mueller OM, Goericke SL, Giese MA, Timmann D, Ilg W.  2019.  Cerebellar involvement in learning to balance a cart-pole system. bioRxiv; 10.1101/586990.
Ludolph N, Giese MA, Ilg W.  2017.  Interacting Learning Processes during Skill Acquisition: Learning to control with gradually changing system dynamics. Scientific Reports. 7
