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Zhou C, Wang X, Li Z, Tsagarakis N.  2017.  Overview of gait synthesis for the humanoid coman. Journal of Bionic Engineering. 14:15–25.
You Y, Xin S, Zhou C, Tsagarakis N.  2016.  Straight Leg Walking Strategy for Torque-controlled Humanoid Robots. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics. :2014–2019.
You Y, Zhou C, Li Z, Tsagarakis N.  2017.  A Study of Nonlinear Forward Models for Dynamic Walking. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA).
Wigand DLeroy, Wrede S.  2019.  Model-Driven Scheduling of Real-Time Tasks for Robotics Systems. Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing.
Wigand DLeroy, Nordmann A, Goerlich M, Wrede S.  2017.  Modularization of Domain-Specific Languages for Extensible Component-Based Robotic Systems. Proceedings of the First IEEE International Conference on Robotic Computing.
Wigand DLeroy, Mohammadi P, Hoffman EMingo, Tsagarakis NG, Steil JJ, Wrede S.  2018.  An open-source architecture for simulation, execution and analysis of real-time robotics systems. IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots (SIMPAR).
Wigand DLeroy, Nordmann A, Dehio N, Mistry M, Wrede S.  2017.  Domain-Specific Language Modularization Scheme Applied to a Multi-Arm Robotics Use-Case. Journal of Software Engineering for Robotics. 8:45–64.
Wang C, Xiao Y, Burdet E, Gordon J, Schweighofer N.  2016.  The duration of reaching movement is longer than predicted by minimum variance. Journal of Neurophysiology. 116:2342–2345.
Wang C, Xiao Y, Burdet E, Gordon J, Schweighofer N.  2016.  The duration of reaching movement is longer than predicted by minimum variance. Journal of neurophysiology. 116:2342–2345.
Tommasino P, Maselli A, Campolo D, Lacquaniti F, d’Avella A.  2019.  A Hessian-based decomposition to characterize how performance in complex motor skills depends on individual strategy and variability. bioRxiv.
Tittel S, Malekzadeh M, Steil JJ.  In Press.  Full 6-DOF Admittance Control for the Industrial Robot Stäubli TX60. International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE).
Thijssen B, Dijkstra TMH, Heskes T, Wessels LFA.  2017.  Bayesian data integration for quantifying the contribution of diverse measurements to parameter estimates. Bioinformatics. 34:803–811.
Thijssen B, Dijkstra TMH, Heskes T, Wessels LFA.  2017.  Bayesian data integration for quantifying the contribution of diverse measurements to parameter estimates. Bioinformatics. 34:803–811.
Taubert N, Li J, Endres D, Giese MA.  2015.  Perception of emotional body expressions depends on concurrent involvement in social interaction. 44:27.
Taubert N., Li J., Endres D., Giese M.A.  2015.  Dependence of the perception of emotional body movements on concurrent social motor behavior. Abstract submitted for VSS, Journal of Vision.
Takagi A, Usai F, Ganesh G, Sanguineti V, Burdet E.  2018.  Haptic communication between humans is tuned by the hard or soft mechanics of interaction. PLOS Computational Biology. 14:e1005971.
Takagi A, Beckers N, Burdet E.  2016.  Motion Plan Changes Predictably in Dyadic Reaching. PLOS ONE. 11
Takagi A, Bagnato C, Burdet E.  2016.  Facing the partner influences exchanges in force. Scientific Reports. 6
Takagi A, Ganesh G, Yoshioka T, Kawato M, Burdet E.  2017.  Physically interacting individuals estimate the partner's goal to enhance their movements. Nature Human Behaviour. 1:54.
